Davide PassafaroAngular HostAttributeToken: the new way to inject attributesAngular new HostAttributeToken API allows you to inject host attributes using the inject function, similar to the @Attribute decorator.Mar 26, 20242885Mar 26, 20242885
InNetanel BasalbyNetanel BasalDetect Unsaved Changes in Angular FormsDetect Unsaved Changes in Angular FormsApr 16, 20191.4K13Apr 16, 20191.4K13
InBits and PiecesbyChameera DulangaUsing TypeScript Decorators in PractiseTypeScript 5.0 DecoratorsNov 24, 20234824Nov 24, 20234824
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyLiudas DrejerisEfficient Angular Apps: Building a Solid Foundation with CachingBoost your Angular application’s speed and efficiency with a custom caching service.Dec 29, 20231681Dec 29, 20231681
Ankit kaushikDynamic ways to conditionally lazy load a component in Angular1. Use the Route factory (to utilize the DI)Feb 8, 20238Feb 8, 20238
InStackademicbyMaksim DolgikhCreating and styling components in Angular correctlyA few simple examples to help you avoid over-complex code, redundant component styles, and non-obvious trapsJan 24, 20245553Jan 24, 20245553
Thomas LaforgeCreate a custom Structural Directive to manage permissions like a proYou will learn different ways of writing a custom directive to manage permissions, using different libraries.Jan 2, 20231335Jan 2, 20231335
Dmitry EfimenkoAccessing directives located in child components in AngularIn my application I had a directive that would track unsaved changes in a template-driven form…Oct 16, 202371Oct 16, 202371
InNetanel BasalbyNetanel BasalImplementing Dynamic Views in AngularIn this article, I will show you how to solve a common problem using the Angular way. Imagine that you have a layout like the following:Oct 26, 20171.3K14Oct 26, 20171.3K14
InAngular In DepthbyMax KoretskyiWhat is `forwardRef` in Angular and why we need itAngularInDepth is moving away from Medium. More recent articles are hosted on the new platform inDepth.dev. Thanks for being part of…Jul 8, 20171.8K5Jul 8, 20171.8K5
Avudaiappan KannanNested Reactive forms in Angular: How to add bind an existing form-group to the form-group ?By reading this post, you will get a better understanding of using FormGroupDirective to in the angular’s reactive forms.Sep 27, 202081Sep 27, 202081
InngconfbyThomas LaforgeHow Angular Dependency Injection works under the hoodUnderstanding and mastering Dependancy Injection can elevate your Angular skills and grant you superpowers.Nov 16, 20234617Nov 16, 20234617
InNetanel BasalbyNetanel BasalNavigating the Nuances of toSignal in Angular: What to KnowAngular provides the toSignal function that transforms an observable to a signal. Upon examining various developers’ code, I’ve noticed a…Nov 19, 20234175Nov 19, 20234175
InStackademicbyAstrit ShuliMastering Angular Custom Directives: A Comprehensive Guide with 15 Real-World Examples (2024)Custom directives are a powerful feature in Angular that allows you to extend the functionality of HTML elements. They provide a way to…Oct 18, 20236357Oct 18, 20236357
InNetanel BasalbyNetanel BasalAutofocus That Works Anytime in Angular AppsI see a lot of developers struggling with the following scenario; they want a focusable element, such as input, to receive focus once it’s…Oct 27, 20201.1K10Oct 27, 20201.1K10
InAngular In DepthbySiyang Kern ZhaoImprove Angular’s performance through memoization and TypeScript decoratorsOct 8, 20181K5Oct 8, 20181K5
TechVibesAngular 16 Preview: Component Input Bound to RouterLet’s look at one of my favorite features of Angular 16, binding the Input decorator to query parameters. This is one of my favorites!Apr 27, 2023642Apr 27, 2023642
InNetanel BasalbyNetanel BasalAngular Signals — Preventing Unnecessary Dependencies Using the Untrack FunctionWhen a signal value changes, any computed() or effect() that depends on it will be re-evaluated. This is called tracking. However…Apr 28, 2023250Apr 28, 2023250